ClimateLaunchpad ClimAccelerator Participant Global First prize winner National First prize winner

Leafy Ke

Clean fuel for a better home.


We convert used diapers to make a fuel to be used at homes. We sell this fuel to informal settlements at a price of 1.03£ per litre. We collect this diapers and process them using advanced techniques to make our fuel gel.
Our fuel burns cleanly with no carbon monoxide thus eliminating death by poisoning cases at homes and very low CO2 emmisions thus mitigating climate change.


  • 2019

    African Regional Final 1st Place

Quick facts

  • 2019 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Circular Economy
  • Kenya

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  • Dennis Muguta Chief Executive Officer, Melvin Kizito Chief Research And Development Peter Gachanja Chief Operating Officer.

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