CleanLaunchpad National Final Greece & Cyprus
Pressure, sweat and happiness: all elements of the CleanLaunchpad national final Greece & Cyprus.
Pressure, sweat and happiness: all elements of the CleanLaunchpad national final Greece & Cyprus.
Cleantech startups from Hessen have a leading role in this videoblog. Enjoy!
This videoblog gives you an outline how UK organised its national final.
One of the aims of CleanLaunchpad is connecting cleantech start-ups. First at National level, and in less then a month throughout Europe. After seeing the videoblog of boot camp Cyprus & Greece (2,5 mins), you’ll realize that we make it happen.
This video blog of CleanLaunchpad boot camp Spain will boost your energy level right away.
In this video blog we’ll put a spotlight on the great ideas of CleanLaunchpad Italy. And you’ll learn more about our boot camps.
We’ve made a video blog from the CleanLaunchpad boot camp in Hungary to give you an impression of the hard working and fun we’ve had.