Hey all,
Blue Economy and Adaptation & Resilience are key climate topics of our time (and of our ClimateLaunchpad themes). We are delighted to invite you to three upcoming ClimateBasics Learning Sessions.
Join EIT Climate-KIC subject experts Maria Loloni and Ayoub Derdabi as they take you through these important issues around climate change in an interactive and accessible way. Buckle up and learn about the challenges and the opportunities, and what it means for you, your business, and the environment around you.
What is Blue Economy and Adaptation & Resilience?
Blue Economy
Seas and oceans produce 50% of the oxygen we breathe and are amongst the Earth’s largest carbon sinks. If calculated in monetary terms, the ocean would be the 7th world largest economy at USD $2.4 trillion.[1] What could that mean for our relationship with the ocean, innovation, and entrepreneurship?
[1] https://wwf.panda.org/wwf_news/?244770/Ocean-wealth-valued-at-US24-trillion-but-sinking-fast
Adaptation & Resilience
Climate change creates worldwide challenges. Some regions, communities, and ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate volatility. The starting point for any climate business is to understand how climate change will affect your potential customers. A business that focuses on reducing the climate hazards and impacts caused by climate change has a lot to gain.
What are the three ClimateBasics Learning Sessions about?
Webinar 1: The Ocean as a System with Maria Loloni, September 4
This session will look at how the Ocean influences human life and how human activities influence the ocean. We will use a ‘systems thinking’ lens to dive deep into the ocean as a system and observe how everything is interconnected.
Webinar 2: Introduction to the Sustainable Blue Economy with Maria Loloni, September 5
This session introduces the basics of the Blue Economy – the responsible use of ocean resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods and jobs while preserving the wellbeing of the ocean ecosystem. The session further explores related challenges and opportunities, and shares some of the latest innovation in the sector.
Webinar 3: Adaptation & Resilience 101 with Ayoub Derdabi, September 12
This session will introduce the basic principles of the impacts of climate change, the concept of climate adaptation, and why it’s necessary to reach climate resilience. Real-world examples of climate change impacts and how societies are adapting will be discussed as well as strategies to adapt to climate change and how innovation and entrepreneurship play an important role.
Everyone is welcome and it is free to join, so share it with anyone that may be interested.
Block it in your calendars and sign up for one, two, or all three sessions:
- The Ocean as a System, Tuesday September 4 @ 12-1:30 PM CEST
- Please RSVP here
- Introduction to Sustainable Blue Economy, Wednesday September 5 @ 12-1:30 PM CEST
- Please RSVP here
- Adaptation & Resilience 101, Tuesday September 12 @ 12-1:30 PM CEST
- Please RSVP here
These webinars are made possible through the support of Irish Aid.
Have a great green day and see you there,
Team ClimateLaunchpad
Tags: Adaptation & Resilience, Blue economy, Climate Change, ClimateLaunchpad Team, Sustainability, Webinar