National First prize winner




BioForward aims to provide green desalination solutions for urban, industrial and agriculture clients. Our product is a bio-based desalination plant focused on small and decentralized applications (current global market for desalination is about 15 billion euros growing 8% annually).

By growing micro algae in mass we can create the forces required to desalinate water and produce fresh water, using low energy input (90% reduction compared ro current reverse osmosis technology). The by-product of algae can be used for feedstocks and fertilizers. Due to the growth of algae requires CO2, our technology is sustainable desalination process that has a net zero emission of CO2.

In conclusion, our goal is to bring a sustainable green future to the water sector by merging biotechnology and membrane technology.

Quick facts

  • 2019 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Circular Economy
  • Spain
  • 5

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  • Juan M. Ortiz (CEO), Junkal Landaburu (Scientist Director), Colin D. Wardman (Bussines Development Manager) , Belén Barroeta (Communication Manager)

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