
Making Smart Home Technology Affordable & Intuitive


To date, smart homes remain a luxury enjoyed by the few. Despite the recent surge of WiFi based smart home technology, the smart home market appears to be fragmented with manufacturers producing individual products which are not necessarily designed for technophobes with a limited budget. As a result, smart home solutions remain too expensive for the average household.
CosyApp is the solution that can convert any home into a smart home at a low cost. Whether your home is small or big, old or new, a house or an apartment, CosyApp is a simple and maintenance free solution that uses the existing infrastructure of your home in order to allow you to monitor and control your electricity use in detail.

Quick facts

  • 2015 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Greece

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  • Afroditi Maria Konidari (Dipl.Arch.Eng, MSc), Rui Zhang (BSc, MPhil), Gabriel Snae (Dipl. Eng, MSc), Vissarion Konidaris (MEng)

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