There are times when the wind farms produce too much of an electricity than it was forecast. If this happens, they have to pay a fine for the balancing services for an imbalance they have caused. This is where the e-vehicles kick in and collectively start charging by absorbing the surplus energy from the wind farms at night. In order to make this work on the spot, EneStor plays a vital role to notify an EV owner by sending a signal to one’s e-vehicle to discharge whenever the market price rises above the price e-vehicle’s owner buys the electricity for. Bearing in mind that we are capable of balancing a part of energy excess by sharing the EVs’ batteries capacity with the wind farms, we earn 5 million Eur annually, plus 1 million for the money we get when selling electricity independently for the market. The money we get, we are investing in the green energy promotion and thereafter establishing 5000 charging stations for the EVs annually.