National First prize winner

Faraday Fuels

We create Ethanol by capturing Carbon Dioxide in the air.


Our startup aims to produce ethanol by capturing carbon dioxide in the air! How we do it is via Direct Air Capture (DAC), Electrolysis (Using specific electrolytes), and Solution Separation (using a specific filter).

Our process aims to modernize how we produce ethanol by using CO2 (which costs us $0) as our feedstock. This is in comparison to Bioethanol plants that require corn, molasses and sugar cane (volatile commodity prices) as inputs to their process. After years of varying deficits of supply of ethanol in many countries, we’ve conceptualized a sustainable avenue of ethanol production in order to support government mandated blend rates in fuel.

In the long run, we definitely don’t plan on stopping with ethanol. We believe in the potential of electrochemical reduction technology, and intend on eventually creating other solutions together with our own fuel as we attempt to promote carbon neutral fuels in the world.

Quick facts

  • 2021 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Circular Economy
  • Philippines
  • 2

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  • Adrian Syliangco - Business Development & Finance Ryan Lim - Engineering & Operations

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