FOURCE, Dutch Finalist

FOURCE presents a measure to desalinize farm water. Read more about this Dutch finalist.



After selection by a professional Jury at the National Final in Rotterdam (the Netherlands) the three most promising Dutch cleantech ideas were awarded with a ticket to CleanLaunchpad Grand EU Final at the Innovation Festival in Valencia. FOURCE is one of them.


What is FOURCE about?

In 1961, the late President Kennedy (USA) said: ‘If we could ever competitively, at a cheap rate, get fresh water from salt water, this would be in the long-range interests of humanity which would really dwarf any other scientific accomplishments’. He was right! Half a century later, technology appears to be ready. We have the ambition to market a low-cost standalone device that will reduce water salinity at the farm level, on demand, and with a flexible rate, running on solar and/or wind power, for use in (e.g.) low-lying coastal zones. The technology is available, so time’s ready for it!


Fource’s aim
By mid-2015, marketable units will be up and running in the Netherlands and beyond. And I will be the CEO of our company, supporting our drive to continuously innovate our product/service, worldwide.

-Lodewijk Stuyt, FOURCE

Quick facts

  • 2014 Participant
    Year of participation

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