Wildcard winner National Third prize winner


BioActive Fertilizers Making Agro-BioDiversity and Food Production Safe and EcoFriendly


Fruges product Taaza Grow bio-active bio-fertilizer is made up of kitchen ingredient and healthy soil making food production safe, healthier and Eco-friendly. It allows farmers to adopt organic farming with Bio-Active fertilizer tablets, fertilizing their area of one acre with just 50g for whole crop cycle instead of using 200kg of synthetic fertilizers, yielding the equal harvest as of synthetic inputs in return we get a transparent and traceable yield of safe to consume crop.
It’s energy and transportation cost required to manufacture and deliver such huge quantity. Saving approximately 99% of the carbon emitted during the whole supply chain.
Taaza Grow in addition of Organic Matter in soil by decomposing the Organic waste, it restores natural soil fertility, kills harmful microbes and degrade toxic organic chemicals. This eventually improves crop production by 20-30%. While it also helps the farmers to generate electricity and gas for cooking due to the ingredients being used.

Quick facts

  • 2019 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Food
  • Pakistan

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  • Syed Akbar Ali - Founder/CEO; Sadaf Sajjad - Co-founder/Director

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