A business that is critical to Climate Change has a problem it is tied to when the sun is shinning and the wind is blowing. Imagine the worldwide impact if we could use it 24 hours a day 7 days a week long after the sun set, wind stopped blowing. Our technology uses water but it has so much more capabilities than that it has the potential to store energy. We take water add it to a separation chamber and add energy in form of electromagnetic energy to it. It separates and turns into hydrogen an oxygen gas. Hydrogen has a high energy contact and can be easily stored and converted back to electricity when needed. As a NASA iTech finalist they said your idea has the potential impact on space exploration and toward the benefit of humanity. H2 Energy Now is truly a technology that will change the world!
- 2020
Presenting at 1million startups, Vienna Austria
- 2020
Selected as one of Israel’s top companies Israel-Japan presentation
- 2020
SNN Stock Network News; Startup company highlighted
- 2020
Cleantech Interactive one of World’s top hydrogen companies
- 2020
France, Great Britain, Germany patents granted.