Microalgae are photosynthetic cyanobacteria with very high carbon demand (1.6g Carbon dioxide for every 1g of algal biomass produced) during the growing period. We aim to grow microalgae around coal mining and coal-powered power stations. The microalgae will actively take up the carbon dioxide while the cells divide, grow, and biomass increase. The type of microalgae of interest is Spirulina (Athrospira platensis). The growth period of this species is 9 days in summer and 12 days in winter. The harvested biomass will be used to extract biofuels, proteins, and make new coal (Coalgate) by combining microalgal biomass with coal dumps from mines. Other products include: Using biomass as a food source (due to high protein content), use biomass as a soil conditioner, and fertilizer and extracting other important chemicals.