Stock Factory is a Specialized Marketplace to manage Problematic Goods from producers/distributor/Retailer and provide solution on how to use it in the most efficient and sustainable way: give it with discount to consumer, give for free to Charity, make recycling if no any other possibilities utilize.
Probem are huge: globally around 300 billions euro* goods are lost from production to consumption. Reasons are different: Food products with freshness less than 75% are not accepted by retailers, damaged package, old collections, closed stores…
Clearly it represents inefficiencies for the business and Tremendous environmental issues due to CO2 emissions while product destruction. Why not to minimize this?
So the idea of Stock Factory is to solve this complexity for the producers.
We truly believe that all products are created with mission but still some of them are destroyed half-way. With Stock Factory we will help them fulfill their mission.
- 2018
Decision Metrics & Finance Award Winner