National First prize winner

Kairos Energy

Green Energy For All


Uganda alone loses 80,000 hectares of forest land annually, mainly to feed the cooking fuel demands of two thirds of Uganda’s urban population in the form of lump charcoal. This particular cooking fuel releases large amounts of carbon emissions when burnt causing respiratory diseases.

Kairos Energy made efforts to mitigate this problem by supplying biomass briquettes but we believe that the time is come for a more viable solution. We plan to develop and sell battery powered electric stoves to provide a more efficient, affordable and cleaner cooking means with a dream to save hundreds of thousands of forest hectares before this decade is out.

A Greener Solution for a Greener World!

Quick facts

  • 2020 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Solutions for Emerging Markets
  • Uganda

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  • Bakka David - Team Lead, Marketing & Finance, Jonathan Ojangole - Operations

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