Electa Marine Fluid is a twin counter rotating vertical axis fluid driven turbine for the production of hydraulic electricity from currents. It utilises fluid dynamics to harness kinetic energy from ocean currents in a discreet and environmentally friendly manner. MIL aim to develop Electa and harness constant energy from ocean currents in order to supply it directly to the Irish and European grid systems through inter-connectors. It is a proposal to reduce direct dependence on Oil/ Coal/ Nuclear energy production. Electa will provide constant 24/7 sustainable supply (non-intermittent electricity). Our vision is to install the first and future series of Electafield energy platforms in offshore ocean current fluid flows, to provide constant high energy yields and link them directly to the electric grid for home use and export. This will be achieved in a non invasive and environmentally friendly manner with associated significant job creation. Electa (Patent No 86387).