Powerstove designs and manufacture a made in Nigeria, 100% smokeless biomass cookstove that cook foods 5x faster, produces 65% less CO, generate micro off-grid electricity to charge phones or power LED bulbs using the built-in USB and DC port. Powerstove uses 70% less biomass and burns her processed proprietary water-resistant Goodlife Biomass Pellets produced from forest and agricultural waste.
Powerstove is the first clean cookstove to be fitted with IoT cloud-based remote system to monitor in real time a single day of cooking, the amount of Co2 and biomass saved, Black Carbon prevented and total electricity generated. Powerstove users also receive cash payments for their measured use during cooking and can enjoy Pay-As-You-Cook financing; Powerstove pays for itself within 2 ½ months, saving users $200-$250/year. That’s a lot of money for our customers, 42% of whom exist on less than $2/day.