National Third prize winner


Natural Dyes made from Food Waste


SAGES is a natural dye business, making powder pigment dyes from food waste as a sustainable alternative to the synthetic dyes currently used by the fashion industry. The fashion industry is the second largest polluter in the world and 80% of the industries emissions are caused by the liquid waste made as a biproduct of the dyeing process. Not only are these dyes highly polluting, they are also carcenogenic and toxic. Our natural dyes produce no liquid waste, use less water than traditional dyes and have none of the dangerous side effects of synthetic dyes.

We have a range of dyes that we have tested ourselves and we are currently working on a proof of concept. We are also partnering with textile manufacturers to test how easily our dyes will integrate into the production process, at which stages of the production process the dyes perform best, and on which fibers and fiber combinations.

Quick facts

  • 2021 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Circular Economy
  • UK-England
  • € 0
  • € 0
  • 2
  • 0

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  • Emily Taylor - Co-Founder, Alice Simpson - Co-Founder

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