Seed It Forward

Social agroforestry with moldavian accent and internet connection


The goal of our project is to reforest the world, by educating and motivating people to plant trees everywhere and anytime. We will achieve it by organizing planting events and campaigns with volunteers, in order to stop erosion, restore the degraded soils and biodiversity. We help small land owners and communities to manage more efficiently their resources, by promotig eco-friendly agriculture. We plant and maintain : permaculture gardens, orchards, fruit forests, and protective green areas.
Our deal follows the two sided market model. On one hand we have the businesses, and on the other, the land owners. The companies give us a percent of their income, and get in return a better image, PR, and are social responsible. We reinvest the money into planting on land owners property, the orchard becoming an important source of their profit, food security and energetic independence.

Quick facts

  • 2015 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Moldova

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