Looking good can be bad for the planet. Massive amounts of energy, water and other resources are needed to make clothes. From the pesticides poured on cotton fields to the washes in which denim is dunked, making 1kg of fabric generates 23kg of greenhouse gases on average. Yet we still return 1 out of every 3 garments we buy online. 70% of those returns are due to poor fit.
According to KPMG it can cost double the amount for a good to be returned to the supply chain as it does to deliver it. With online clothing retailers offering competitive or free return rates to satisfy their customers demands. This is an area that retailers actively want to combat.
We intend to sell “Size as a Service” to online clothing retailers. Typically when we buy clothes we “try before we buy.” That way we know the clothes fit. We wanted to replicate this experience when shopping online. So we created SizeU. SizeU is a tightly fitting digital garment with embedded sensors that precisely measures its wearer and effortlessly sends that information back to us. We can then use the detailed garment measurements that all retailers provide to match a shoppers size and shape to clothing that actually fits.