ClimateLaunchpad ClimAccelerator Participant National First prize winner


Sparxell produces the most sustainable pigments and glitter


Today, all effect pigments (the industrial name for tiny glitter particles) contain problematic microplastics, metals, or mineral oxides. They are ubiquitous (about 30% of car paints in Europe contain some) and are also found in cosmetics, fashion, packaging, and even food, both in low and high-end applications.
Sparxell created safer, easier-to-source alternative pigments with vibrant colour and benefits that appeal to health and environmentally conscious consumers and companies alike.
Inspired by the profoundly beautiful structural colours of butterflies and birds, our pigments use the self-assembly properties of cellulose nanocrystals to create helicoidal (chiral nematic) structures that reflect light. As a result, Sparxell’s pigments deliver an intensity of colour and shine more brilliant than most products while being plant-based and biodegradable.

Quick facts

  • 2022 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Sustainable Production Systems
  • UK-England
  • 1
  • 3

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