Lack of reliable performance benchmarks and risk indicators increases time and resources to understand, analyze and compare the behavior of clean energy investments for different markets. It limits institutional investors’ involvement.
We provide risk indicators and benchmarks to measure and monitor the financial performance of clean energy infrastructure worldwide.
Our approach is unique: For markets located in Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Oceania, we aggregate on-the-ground historic asset-level performance data and overlay it with macro risk factors such as policy, regulatory, macro- and socio-economic, business cycle and weather. It enables us to incorporate forward-looking trend predictions into our indicators and benchmarks.
Acting on these predicted trends will radically improve investors’ ability to make capital allocation decisions based on the expected performance of clean energy infrastructure assets.
Our indicators and benchmarks can be calibrated in line with investors’ trend expectations and compared across a variety of key metrics, including: geography, country, location, technology, investment vehicle, business model, climate and social impact.