More than 80% of the dairy farmers loose over 25% of their incomes through either milk going bad or unsold milk, and this is mainly due to lack of cooling solutions at their farms; since about 90% of Ugandans in rural areas have no access to electricity.
WE Coolers provides farm-based solar powered milk cooling systems that enable dairy farmers to preserve their milk before it is delivered at the milk collection centres. Our system contains solar panels that power a freezer with a unique adaptive control unit for smart Ice making; the ice is then placed in specially designed milk cans together with the milk, and can preserve the milk for more than 12 hours.
This then gives a farmer enough time to deliver the milk to the collection centres and can even keep evening milk throughout the night and deliver it together with the morning milk. This enables a farmer to increase the quantity of milk sold and reduce the risk of milk going bad, thereby increasing their average income.