National First prize winner

YVY Brasil

Home care green cleaning products with much less plastic and transportation


90%+ of usual home cleaning products are actually water ! The remaining 5-10% are petrochemical, chlorine and phosphates… Why do they keep moving millions of tons of water around ? Why using an enormous amount of plastic bottles to pack all this water ? Our oceans know where this sad story will finish up…. YVY (which means soil/land in tupi-guarany, the language of most important native indigenous tribe in Brazil) was created to break up this insane chain and disrupt this market… We use ONLY natural/vegetable ingredients in our formulas ! YVY developed small recyclable plastic capsules to carry on our super concentrated formulas reducing by 2/3 the amount of plastic used compared to the current competitors. As a direct to consumer brand YVY offers a subscription model that additionally helps to save a huge amount of CO2 related to transportation.

Quick facts

  • 2018 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Circular Economy
  • Brazil

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