Enent is a clean-tech electronics startup focusing to design innovative products that reduce energy
Enent is a clean-tech electronics startup focusing to design innovative products that reduce energy
Solar energy asset management SAAS based platform
Local food on everyone’s table.
Save 50% on your Aircon utility bills at No Cost to you with our iAC.
We create Ethanol by capturing Carbon Dioxide in the air.
A plant-based surfactant to replace petrochemical surfactants in cleaning products
Climate Crisis Professionals Found to Mitigate Global Environmental Issues
A collaborative, decentralized insect farming network for food and feed
Leasing cargo E-bikes to SMEs for affordable transportation of goods.
Sustaintable Electricity from Ocean
Recycle of plastic waste into Eco-friendly paving tiles
We turn your waste into gold!
A Groundwater Sustainability, Technology & Products Company
Affordable and Portable Solar Powered Cold Storage
Connects any UPS systems to solar PV at lowest CAPEX
Natural Dyes made from Food Waste
Oleatex is a plant-based leather produced from olive industry wastes.
Smart multifunctional hydrogels to reduce water use in sustainable agriculture.
Sustainable noise barrier systems
We build hydroponic feed factories for animal farmers
Sphere Technologies LTD
Reef Support accelerates the transition of data-to-decisions to scale up ocean-based protection.
Making natural ressources sustainable for humanity
Tackling housing deficit while shaping a sustainable future
Hydrokinetic Turbines to produce reliable and renewable energy
Renewable Energy Solutions Curing the Environment (R.E.S.CU.E)
Electric vehicles, app, energy saving, battery improvement, cost savings
Smart traceability for a circular economy
The Online Platform To Design Your Hydrogen Project
Tackling the protein dilemma.