EW Smart Solutions
We deliver water for irrigation to drought stricken farmers.
Using flywheels to build a cleaner grid
Commercializing climate adaptation & resilience projects for developing countires
Transforming carbon emissions into added-value chemicals.
AI-based Carbon Footprint Calculator for Carbon Neutral Trips
Reduce 57% of emission from aviation by avoiding contrail formation
Energy delivery for your Electric Vehicle anytime and anywhere
Playful, rewarding missions, education, the power of community let’s go to a sustainable future!
L’eautelier – design (atelier), hospitality (hôtelier) and the water (l’eau).
Specialized company in coastal rescue, assistance, lifeguarding, and drone technology.
A rapid device for detecting chemicals in our food
Cleantech startup operating in the E-mobility space in the Middle East and Africa
Limitless clean energy by enabling a sun on earth
Solutions for Grid Connectivity of Solar Power
Alternō: Innovating thermal energy storage for sustainable agriculture and industry.
Graphene membranes make carbon capture affordable!
Removing CO2 by ‘exporting’ intensified algae to the deep ocean
e-marketplace for everyday use ecological products
Solalis is electrifying waterways & popularizing electric boats in the Amazon.
Integrating IoT solutions for sustainable aquaculture
E-mobility solutions for Africa’s last-mile transportation
Sustaintable Electricity from Ocean
Affordable and Portable Solar Powered Cold Storage
Sphere Technologies LTD
Electric vehicles, app, energy saving, battery improvement, cost savings
The Online Platform To Design Your Hydrogen Project
Water Solution is a wind-powered generator that produces clean water from air.
Bioinoculant for mangroves, helps them grow in hipersaline conditions.
Providing daily life-essentials from solar power