Turning used paper cups into climate-saving plant growth enhancer
Turning used paper cups into climate-saving plant growth enhancer
Reliable and Accessible Bio-Gas As Service
Cloud Connected Espresso Machines
Growing taste from waste: the most popular drink vs the best Scottish drink
More energy-saving, less emissions.
The technology can be used in cars and vehicles used to transport people
The brand new app for green active mobility
Production the new biofilters for cleaning the air pollution
Ecoexhaust Selective Catalytic Reduction system
A service
We offer resource optimized architectural design solutions to investors.
First air powered scooter
Website that connects people who want to give away or reuse used things
Relaxing chair with photovoltaic panel
eco-friendly toilet wipes that disperse within three hours
Peer-To-Peer Rental Service
Drive-through selling system of local goods fighting traffic and pollution.
On-site, zero emission laundry service for hospitals.
Mobile Inspection Robot along with dedicated software
Connect. Get involved. Thrive. Change the world.
Climate depends on society, on education.
Your parking spot a “click” away
Technology to give radiators the best knowledge to work more efficiently
Fast environmental assessment for road constructions
Provider of hybrid solar lighting solutions
beVermi Treatment Plant Compost Instalaltion
mobile CO2mpensiation
‘e’-crush: an efficient tool to reduce and organise waste
autarkical living & off-grid operation