
Electric Folding Bikes as a Service


Bikefy offers electric folding bikes as monthly subscription.
This allows companies to easily rent as many bikes as needed when they need it. The basic subscription includes the bike, a lock as well as maintenance and service. Helmets and bags can be added on top on demand.
This electric folding bike subscription is the ideal companion for monthly public transport tickets, eliminating the last mile issue in commuting.
By offering an easy to use solution to commuters’ last mile problem with public transport we aim at eliminating the need for commuting by car. This will safe huge amounts of GHG emissions and free up parking space for more useful uses.

Quick facts

  • 2018 Participant
    Year of participation
  • Urban Transitions
  • Finland

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  • Norbert Schmidt (Founder & Business Management), Emma Berg (Service Design Specialist)

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